25 Apr 2010

I love this one

[Stitch is running away]
Lilo: "'Ohana" means "family." "Family" means "no one gets left behind." But if you want to leave, you can. I'll remember you though.
[looking at her picture of her dead parents]
Lilo: I remember everyone that leaves.

24 Apr 2010

I know it, exactly

Trust me, I know how it feels. I know exactly how it feels to cry in the shower so no one can hear you, waiting for everyone to be asleep so you can fall apart, for everything to hurt so bad you just want it all to end. I know exactly how it feels.

There is nothing but air between us

“ Life changes every minute of every day. You lose friends. You gain friends. You realize your friend wasn’t ever really your friend, and that person you used to hate can make a really good friend. You look for love. You find love. You lose love. You realize all long that you’ve been loved. You laugh. You cry. You laugh so hard that you cry. You do this, you do that. You really wish you hadn’t done that. You then learn from that and are glad that you did. You have your ups. You have your downs. You see good movies. You see bad movies. You wonder if your life is just one big movie. You look at others and wish you were them. You then realize who they are and are glad that you’re you. You love life. You hate life. In the end you just find yourself happy to be living life, no matter what’s thrown at you. ”

21 Apr 2010


Mungkin bukan sekarang, bukan detik ini, bukan menit ini, bukan jam ini, bukan hari ini, bukan bulan ini aku mendapatkan kesempatan itu. Mungkin nanti, sedetik lagi, semenit lagi, sejam lagi, sehari lagi, sebulan lagi aku akan mendapatkan kesempatan itu. Dia mungkin sedang mengujiku, kesabaranku, kesungguhanku. Aku tau Dia akan memberikan jalan untukku, aku selalu tau Dia menyimpan suatu rahasia yang belum boleh aku ketahui sekarang. Ya Fattah, usahaku tinggal satu, semoga 441014 menjadi jodohku, ridhoi hamba Ya Allah..

15 Apr 2010

Aku sedang berusaha, aku sedang meminta, aku sedang mengemis, aku sedang berjuang, aku sedang berperang, aku sedang.. aku sedang..

9 Apr 2010


For some reasons I miss them, can't stop to listening their songs.
K, next Monday is Brendon's birthday.
I just made a fan pict for him, I don't have any idea whether it is nice or not.
At least, I have done my best to show how much I love him :)

8 Apr 2010

I will! I am! I can! I will actualize my dream. I will press ahead. I will settle down and see it through. I will solve the problems. I will pay the price. I will never walk away from my dream until I see my dream walk away: Alert! Alive! Achieved!

6 Apr 2010

Rendah, sangat rendah. Memandangpun seharusnya aku tak pantas, apalagi meminta yang begitu besar. Ya Allah, yang Maha Pengasih dan Maha Penyayang, hamba memohon belas kasihan-Mu Ya Rauuf..


"Sudah merasa lelah ya Nak? Jangan lelah dulu, berat hanya diawal.."
"Belum Bapak, saya tidak akan pernah merasa lelah untuk membahagiakanmu dan Ibu."

"Berusahalah, berserah dirilah, hasil yang terbaik akan kau dapat. Biarlah Allah yang menentukan hasil dari semua ikhtiar dan tawakalmu."

Saat aku terlihat begitu lelah, kalian datang padaku memberi semangat.
Saat aku merasa tak ada yang tau apa yang aku rasakan, kalian seolah membangkitkan.
Kata-kata diataslah yang selalu aku simpan dihatiku, sehingga saat aku merasa dalam titik lelahku, aku bisa kembali bangkit.
Bapak, Ibu, aku sayang sama kalian, maaf sampai sekarang belum bisa jadi seperti apa yang kalian inginkan.
Bukan karena aku tidak mampu, tapi karena belum diizinkan oleh Allah.
Akan ada saatnya, akan datang waktunya, peluh yang kalian teteskan terbayar dengan keberhasilanku. Tunggulah aku dan kesempatan-Nya datang Bapak, Ibu..

2 Apr 2010

We have to learn every single thing to let go, sometimes

“You’ll come across so many people in your life. Ones you think will stay in your life, stay with you forever. You come across people you will love, very much. But sometimes love isn’t enough to tackle all the obstacles in life and you will have to deal with the heartbreak of knowing that that person you love is gone and you’re left, alone, to try your very hardest to fall out of love. To do something you never thought you’d have to do. Just keep your head held high. Don’t let it get to you, don’t fall apart. Clear your heart and let it go. And when it comes around again, let love in. Because you never know. It’s all about having faith.”
Ada yang pernah bilang padaku saat aku tanya, "Lebih baik mana antara mencintai orang yang kita cintai tapi belum tentu dia mencintai kita atau mencintai orang yang cinta kita?" Kemudian dia menjawab, "Lebih baik mencintai orang yang juga mencintai kita."