27 Feb 2012


I can't choose between my right hand or my left hand. And I can't deny my left eyes for my right eyes. Why people worried about such things and never respect about others? Don't ask me to choose, because I'm not in option to choose. I love two things that can't really be separated. Because, yeah, don't force the other to be what you want to be. Even God never imposes His will :) - Marcell

23 Feb 2012

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do and bored and sniff sniff.... mmm...

Let's play a game, when I put eye liner on your eyes then you have to cry. So you will be like this:

Is that looks creepy? I just have nothing to do :P I really wanna try it because I think this kind of stuff is cool. I first saw it in  MV, the main character cried and her eyes suddenly became like she have messing around her eyes with ink and I saw it like.....COOL!!! I wanna I wanna!!! You saw it creepy? I saw it pretty. We have different eyes, so we have different thought :)
Am I kinda childish? HAHAHA, Griffindor are red Ravenclaw are blue, insult me I'll crusio you!!!!! :p Sometimes we have to keep our childish inside, because our biggest imagination will stay with us if we can still think like a children (I think I seen Christ Angel too much), when our imagination keep moving so we called creative, and when we creative we have life, just saying... :)

Just smile :)

Hey Jude, don't make it bad. Take a sad song and make it better.
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude refrain. Don't carry the world upon your shoulder.
-The Beatles

So I've learn that love is not possesion
And I've learned that love won't wait
Now I've learned that love needs expression
-Michael Jackson

When love goes away, another love comes again. It definitely will
Even if it hurts now, it will heal a little later
It will forget, I will too
-CN. Blue

22 Feb 2012


We used to love during the many days we were together
We used to hurt together, making each other's pain our own
Where are you? Can't you hear my voice?
My pained heart is looking for you
Is calling out to you, crazily...

My heart, my tears, my memories of you
Drop by drop, they are falling against my chest
Though I cry and cry, the memories won't erase
And again today I drench my heart

We used to like each other, you laugh at my smile
We used to cry together, you were pained by my tears
Where are you? Can't you see my tired body?
My pained heart is looking for you
Is calling to you, crazily...

Please come back to me, I call out your name every night
And in my exhausted waiting, I wander around and look for you



We all always have choices, rights, and also opinions. But I am not that free, I am not that flexible. I always wish I was just a "normal" person. I wish I am. I know, I should have to face all what I have started. I should have to be brave, like Harry against Voldermort, be strong like Hermione have to do "Obliviate" to her parents, and like everyone else. Even though sometimes I feel like "How lucky people are, they can do this and that". But for me, do this and that is never be so easy. Thousands eyes are watching and ready to blame me for everything. After all, I have to face it. Until the very end...

13 Feb 2012

Pake kamera termahal yang bisa dibeli saat ini... Soalnya nanti bisa dipake terus saat sudah ga pemula lagi :) - Pembuat Jejak 

8 Feb 2012

Recommended book

Baru hari ini, akhirnya nyelesaiin buku kesekian yang numpuk ngantri di rak. Dan hari ini giliran buku 99 Cahaya di Langit Eropa untuk dinikmati. Tadi pagi baru sampai di Komentar Tokoh yang mengomentari isi dari buku tersebut, komentar pertama dan komentar yang menarik datang dari Pak Habibie, kurang lebih begini:
".....Hanum kemudian menyimpulkan bahwa kondisi umat saat ini sudah semakin jauh dari akar yang membuat peradaban Islam terang-benderang 1000 tahun lalu, karena kondisi umat kini yang menyalahartikan "jihad" sebagai perjuangan dengan pedang, bukan dengan perantara kalam (pengetahuan dan teknologi). 
Di dalam buku ini kita diajak untuk menapak jejak Islam di Eropa, bagaimana seorang muslim disana menjadi minoritas. Dan itu pula yang dirasakan penulis (Hanum, red) saat beliau berkenalan dengan seorang muslimah bernama Fatma yang sama-sama tinggal di Wima karena ikut dengan suami. Hanum dan Fatma berkenalan di kelas Bahasa Jerman dengan cara yang unik. Saat Fatma dan Hanum berjalan-jalan menyusuri Wima dan tiba di Kahlenberg di senja hari. Hanum begitu rindu akan suara azan yang biasa berkumandang. Kemudian saya merasa tertampar saat membaca bagian yang menceritakan bahwa pada saat Fatma dan Hanum berada di caffe dan mendengar 3 orang turis asing menjelek-jelekkan Islam. Apa yang mereka lakukan terhadap turis tersebut? Fatma membayarkan bill turis tersebut dan menitipkan beberapa pesan untuk disampaikan kepada turis tersebut lewat pelayan caffe.
"Kau menulis apa di kertas itu Fatma?"
"Aku cuma tau sedikit bahasa Inggris, Hanum. Aku hanya menulis: 'Hi, I am Fatma, a muslim from Turkey.', lalu kutulis alamat emailku. Itu saja.
"Bagaimana kau tidak marah sedikitpun, Fatma?"
"Tentu saja aku tersinggung, Hanum. Dulu aku juga emosi mendengar hal yang tidak cocok di negeri ini. Apalagi masalah etnis dan agama. Tapi seperti kau dan dinginnya hawa di Eropa ini, suhu tubuhmu akan menyesuaikan. Kau perlu penyesuaian, Hanum. Hanya satu yang harus kita ingat. Misi kita adalah menjadi agen Islam yang damai, teduh, indah, yang membawa keberkahan di komunitas nonmuslim. Dan itu tidak akan pernah mudah."
"Tapi bukankah itu menunjukkan kita begitu lemah dan terinjak-injak?"
"Suatu saat kau akan banyak belajar bagaimana bersikap di negeri tempat kau harus menjadi minoritas. Tapi menurut pemgamatanku selama ini, aku tak harus mengumbar nafsu dan emosiku jika ada hal yang tak berkenan di hatiku."
Dari sepenggal percakapan ini saja kita seharusnya sudah banyak belajar dan berkaca diri. Fatma memberikan pesan yang sangat jelas, konkret, tentang cara menahan diri yang belum tentu bisa dilakukan sembarang orang :)

3 Feb 2012


I can't count how long, but some time has passed
I wonder just how much I know about you
Following along the map with my finger isn't doing too much
I notice your uneasy face, though you are hiding it

As though resisting the face paced day that will be tomorrow
Even though I run about, it's strange... My heart sketched you
When I looked up, radiance filled the sky without fading
If only we could have been like sun, shining all the time
I want to be held by your scent for just a little longer

The air outside pulls all my collar, then I turned my back on it
While repeating it all, suddenly I thought "Why am I here?"

I want to be by your side forever, look at your smile
I want to live each changing moment in your eyes
In that one scene, forever colored in gentle hues
In order for us to be closed, I want time to stop forever

I want to be by your side forever, look at your smile
I want to live each changing moment in your eyes
If one day I can take you out to a brilliant season
To where the flowers are blooming in the sky like snow
To where the flowers are...

Ga sengaja mampir ke blog sebelah, blog imajinasiku. Baca-baca tulisan sendiri. Kadang ngikik sendiri, kadang aneh sendiri, kadang malu sendiri, kadang suka takjub sendiri. Kemana ya kata-kata yang dulu aku anggap gampang buat ditulis dan dirangkai? Aku merasa kehilangan sekarang :)

2 Feb 2012

Call it petrichore


I can't remember most of the things I've done. But the things I've learned, I can't forget. - Gabe Saporta


Please don't go too fast
I wanna lay down on this floor a bit longer
Don't even fade away
when I wake up please tell me that you haven't changed yet
dear Time, you are so precious...