4 Apr 2009

bad mood, will have picnic tommorow

wanna scream like eeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr !
i hate this feelin huh
he's soooooooo hurt me, miss him so f-ing much
but he never realized, maybe never pay attention about it!
oh shit, fuck, fuck, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkk!
im not hate him, but i hate my feelin, OMG!

tommorow i'm going to picnic with my family woo-hoo
that's refresh for this week
i'm tired, but that's OK
i'll be happy !
i'll show ya tawangmangu, there are water-fall
and sooooo nice place :)

water-fall in Tawangmangu. it's beautiful, isn't it?

Do I like myself?

look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself this question "Do I like myself?"
if the answer is "YES!", fine
but if the answer is "NO", then maybe you should read Chuck Rizzoto's book Learning to Love Yourself

Loving yourself doesn't mean thinking only about yourself.
It means accepting all the good and bad things inside you.
That way you can accept them in other people..

do you usually enjoy yourself on your birthday?
do you sometimes ask yourself, "do my friends really like me"?
do you sometimes say to yourself, "I'm so stupid"?
do you talk about yourself a lot?

Pick your favorite ice cream flavor and see what it redeals about you!

you are very friendly and easygoing.
people feel comfortable around you, so it;s not surprising that you are always surrounded by friends.
you have one thing to worry about, though.
you;re rather stubborn at times and it can cause you problems.

you are extremely affectionate and loving.
you are quite patient and understanding, so people like to talk to you about their problems.
you are a little to giving and you often forget about your own needs.
be a bit more selfish, buy a gallon of strawberry ice cream and eat it all watching TV!

you are sensitive and romantic.
you often dedicate your time to daydreaming about your future.
you are quite conservative and the values of your parents and teachers play an important role in your dicision making.
you can be absent-minded sometimes, so it's normal for you to arrive at school without your school bag or to lock the keys inside your house bahaha

you are a negotiator.
you are not conflictive at all.
you are extremely persistent when you know you are right about something, but you also know to give in when it's appropriate

I DON'T LIKE ICE CREAM (poor you, ice cream is soooo delicious!)
you are independent and free-spirited.
your freedom is very important to you.
you can be a little intolerant and rather solitary.
you are very creative, though, so used that talent for organization and show people your bright side!

i choose, i love CHOCOLATE!
hmmmmm yummy !
and that's my personality, it's similar with me
how about your ice cream flavor and you personality ?

3 Apr 2009

kinda trash

I feel sooooooooooo tired, I dunno why..
FYI, this morning I woke up but still sleepy
and I had to study, i hate it you know -___________-
then get headache, that's sound good yeeaa?! SHIT!
i slept in the class (before the teacher came actually, because they came late to class)
hmmmmm and great news, tommorow is Saturday then Sunday (I love it)
because Im going to Tawangmangu with my family-have a picnic there bahaha

1 Apr 2009

when im sick

1. aktifitas baru, jadi penyiar radio di radio lokal.
masih belajar sih, tapi katanya udah bagus dan agak berbakat bahaha
siaran pertama sama temen, soalnya belum ngerti cara mengoperasikan mixer.
trus2 aku ngoceh aja sambil pegang komputer bagian baca SMS sama nyiapin lagu
ternyata jadi penyiar itu enak haha
belum ada pesangonnya, maklum lagi belajar
dan aku juga gak terlalu mikirin dibayar apa gak, yang penting ada pengalaman hehe
dengerin aku dooooooongggg setiap sabtu jam 2 di Ganeza FM 94.6 (promosi)

2. oya aku SAKIT!
ini dimulai hari minggu siang abis pulang dari RSPD ikutan Try Out (sebenernya promosi+pembahasan gak ada ngerjain soal)
kayanya gara2 telat makan, soalnya ya nih aku gak sarapan trus makannya siang2, dikit lagi!
sampe rumah langsung tidur deh selimutan, jam 4 sore dibangunin papa buat mandi tapi badan rasanya panas dingin gak karuan trus pusing perut sakit ( kaya orang hamil, dih amit2!)
dari situlah aku sakit, sampe nih ya waktu pagi2 abis dari kamar mandi gara2 pusingnya nauzubillah, sampe mau jatoh, ambruk!
akhirnya diputuskan gak boleh masuk sekolah sampe agak mendingan.
tapi aku mikir senin ada ulangan, ah tapi gapapalah Bahasa Inggris, agak ngerti walaupun gak ngerti (LOH?!)
tapi emang Tuhan itu Maha Adil, gak jadi ulangan bahaha

3. hhhmmmmmm pas lagi sakit gak tau kenapa jadi kepikiran Ryro, jadi pengen dijengukin trus disuapin Ryro bahaha
sampe2 kata papa aku ngigo namanya Ryro!
ya ampuuuunn dasar otak nih agak gak bener kalo lagi sakit ajajajajaja

4. pengen banget bangget nih hidup di LA, deket rumahnya Brendon aja juga gapapa agagagagaagagga
makin gak jelas aku mikirnya kalo lagi sakit, ditempat tidur cuma nonton TV trus tidur
pas tidur mimpi aneh2 kaya yang tadi, trus yang ini
ada lagi nih, mimpi maen sama BADUT!
OMG, i hate clown!
jangan sampe mimpi badut lagi -___________-